Stephen Eberly
what is your concentration?
Dylan Savoca
I am a photography major
Stephen Eberly
do you prefer film or digital?
Dylan Savoca
hmm....honestly I'm not sure. I like both the same but I am leaning more towards digital now. I hate the smell of the darkroom! haha. There are points where I feel like I get better images using film but I love being able to manipulate my images on the computer without the hassle of developing and scanning into the computer.
Stephen Eberly
Would you say you have a style? If so, how you describe it?
Dylan Savoca
I don't know if you can call it a style. I mean sometimes I can be traditional but most of the time I like to shoot to confuse or catch interest. If I shoot a landscape or a fire pit, I want it to look like nothing else. I want people to get their own interpretation of my work. Maybe even to find things within my pieces. Like make flames look like a dragon or a face.
Stephen Eberly
Why photography?
Dylan Savoca
Ever since I was little, I would always love to pretend to take pictures. I remember getting cameras for Christmas and birthdays just so I could take everyone's picture. It just stuck when I got to high school and was able to take real classes for it.
I always felt that I could see things differently. Like when I see something interesting I would always say "wow that would be a great picture!"
Stephen Eberly
I know a lot of your work is of plantlife and landscapes. Do you have a preference over using modes in your photography?
Dylan Savoca
Yes, I've shot a few sweet sixteens, a 50th wedding anniversary and a wedding and I feel like with people or models, they always move or they aren't placed the way I want them to be. With nature, it doesn't move, it doesn't talk back or frustrate me. I always find the most comfort in shooting nature and landscapes. It is just so natural and beautiful and sometimes ugly but that's the beauty in it. I love capturing that beauty and being able to explain it in my own way.
Stephen Eberly
Any clue what you're doing for thesis?
Dylan Savoca
Haha funny you should ask! I had an idea a few weeks ago but not I am unsure. My idea I thought was too simple for my thesis project. Being that it is the last big project we do senior year, I want it to be harder than what I decided to do in the first place. So at the moment, no I'm still trying to figure out what would be best for me to do.
Stephen Eberly
Well, good luck on developing an idea. Is there anything else you wanted to say about you, or your work?
Dylan Savoca
Photography is my passion. I just hope that one day it will take me to places I've never been before.